No matter how you decide to feed your baby, feeding time plays a crucial role in the bond you develop with your child. It fosters physical closeness and meaningful interaction between you two.
Engaging in conversation with your baby during feedings is also critical for another reason. The initial three years of a child’s life are prime for language acquisition. Therefore, purposeful interaction from the very beginning aids in their cerebral development.
Moreover, if a mother opts for breastfeeding, she and her baby stand to gain additional benefits. According to our medical team, here are the top five reasons to consider breastfeeding:
- Breastmilk: A Perfect Nutrition Source: Breastmilk nearly fulfills every nutritional need for the first six months of your baby’s life, making it not only an optimal choice for health but also cost-effective.
- Immune System Boost: Breastfeeding can decrease the incidence of ear infections by 25% and diarrhea by 60% in the baby’s first year. It also significantly reduces the likelihood of hospitalization for pneumonia, thanks to the antibodies passed from mother to child through breastmilk.
- Long-term Health Benefits for Your Baby: Exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months, followed by continued breastfeeding along with solids for the next six months, has been linked to a lower risk of SIDS, dental cavities, obesity, asthma, and diabetes across the baby’s lifespan.
- Health Benefits for Mothers: Mothers who breastfeed may experience reduced risks of breast cancer, heart disease, and diabetes later in life.
- Physical Recovery Post-Pregnancy: The act of breastfeeding releases oxytocin, which assists in contracting the uterus back to its pre-pregnancy size, aiding the mother’s physical recovery after birth.
“Taking time to explore and discuss the feasibility of breastfeeding in your lifestyle is wise. Consultation with your doctor, your partner or support network, and other mothers can provide valuable insights,” advises family medicine specialist Shannon Neale, MD. “Ultimately, the decision should be what feels right for you and your family. We support you in choosing the path that best suits your and your baby’s needs.”